Once upon a time, while surfing the internet, this young girl found this peculiar place where people from all over the world came together and dressed in purple. Little did she know that this place, Belvoir Terrace, would be where she found herself. Throughout my life, I’ve always been self-conscious about myself and nervous about meeting new people. However, the very first day coming to Belvoir, I connected with just about everyone there. I felt free of judgment and I knew I could be myself. I was an art major there and spent a good ninety percent of my time in the art studio. Most of the places I’ve been, your art teachers are your art teachers and nothing more of it. At Belvoir, my art teachers have become my friends and mentors who have helped me throughout my time at Belvoir and beyond. We have connected and they helped me in finding myself through art and I’m still in contact with them today and hope to always be. After years of being away from Belvoir, I’m still in contact with my bunk. This place is where lifelong friendship happens; this is where you become new sisters who you can count on to be there. Belvoir has been the best experience in my life. I like to look at my experience here as a divine intervention, miraculous things happen at Belvoir Terrace.

Lily D.


When my daughter Lily D. returned home from her first summer at Belvoir Terrace, she had changed.  She had become more accepting of herself, more comfortable in her own skin, had found her voice somewhere in this magical mountain land.  The support, education and personal independent growth was breathtaking. She couldn't wait to be back there. There is no place like Belvoir Terrace.

Throughout the year, she would constantly share Belvoir stories, always with a twinkle in her eye! It warmed my heart that she had found a place where she belonged. She was also much more self-assured and had a clear understanding of her value and the importance of maintaining high standards. Her self-esteem had increased and blossomed so beautifully!  Lily's experience at Belvoir Terrace was nothing short of a miracle! I thank God that her path crossed with Nancy Goldberg, the angel in charge with purple wings! I, as Lily's mother, am eternally grateful for Nancy's influence on LilyNancy is the wisest woman that I have ever met, and she is REAL.  She has definitely been given a gift with adolescent girls, and she truly cares. She has a way of making all the girls realize their importance in life. Perhaps this is why she has gained their respect and trust, which is very difficult for anyone to get from girls during these developmental stages! The girls HEAR her and her message which flows throughout their summer days-and days to come.  I wish every mother could have the gift of watching their daughter be guided in life through this sisterhood. Belvoir Terrace is embedded in who Lily is today and forever will be.


Julianne O., Lily's mother